树莓派4B 安装 使用SPY Server SDR Server 并完成自启动

1  首先开启树莓派4B SSH并登陆

2  开启root 并使用 root登陆    相关命令如下:

sudo passwd root

sudo passwd –unlock root

sudo sed -i “s/^#PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin yes/g” /etc/ssh/sshd_config

sudo systemctl restart ssh

sudo cp ~/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
3  更新下系统    相关命令如下:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
4  安装必要的软件支持 相关命令如下:

dpkg –add-architecture armhf
apt-get update
apt-get install libc6:armhf libstdc++6:armhf
5  遵循github上有关Airspy Host Tools安装的说明 相关命令如下:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config
wget https://github.com/airspy/airspyone_host/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd airspyone_host-master
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
6 下载并运行spyserver 相关命令如下:

wget http://airspy.com/downloads/spyserver-arm32.tgz
tar xzf spyserver-arm32.tgz
./spyserver spyserver.config









使用网络连接 spyserver 后的 SDRSharp 软件中  NFW 与WFM  带宽 会被限制 需要修改  SDRSharp客户端目录下  SDRSharp.exe.Config中

<add key=”minReducedNarrowBandwidth” value=”12500″ />
<add key=”minReducedWideBandwidth” value=”150000″ />


给 spyserver 添加 自启


1  创建 服务名字 根据自己喜好 相关命令如下:

vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/spyserver.service
内容  相关命令如下:        — 路径根据实际修改–


ExecStart=/home/spyserver/spyserver-arm32/spyserver spyserver.config

建议设置权限 0777

2 设置开机自启动 相关命令如下:

# 更新配置
systemctl daemon-reload
# 启动服务
systemctl start spyserver.service
# 设置开机启动
systemctl enable spyserver.service

# 启动服务
systemctl start spyserver.service

# 停止服务
systemctl stop spyserver.service

# 重启服务
systemctl restart spyserver.service

# 查看状态
systemctl status spyserver.service

———————————————————————-END —————————————————


发表在 HAM, Other, Soft Ware | 留下评论

树莓派4B 蓝牙无法连接 SAP error on bluetooth service status

SAP error on bluetooth service status

SAP stands for SIM Access Profile, so you have to disable it:

Open /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants/bluetooth.service


ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd –noplugin=sap
Reload the systemd:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Restart the bluetooth:

$ sudo service bluetooth restart
Get the bluetooth status:

$ sudo service bluetooth status

bluetooth.service – Bluetooth service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2016-04-30 10:38:46 UTC; 6s ago
Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
Main PID: 12775 (bluetoothd)
Status: “Running”
CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
└─12775 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd –noplugin=sap


发表在 Other, Soft Ware, SYSTEM | 留下评论

IC-7300 Firmware Version 1.40

IC-7300  Version 1.40 Firmware

Model name IC-7300
Version Version 1.40
Update 2021/02/26
Major changes Changes from Version 1.30
[Spectrum scope is improved]
– A Scroll mode that can seamlessly change the displaying scope range, depending on the operating frequency, is added.
– A popup screen that displays when SPAN or EDGE change is added.
– The number of FIX EDGE memories is expanded to 4.
– Each band independently memorizes the Reference level.
– Improved the Scope function of the RS-BA1.[Preset function is added for FT8 operation]
– A Preset function that can set each operation is added.

[Multi-function dial is enhanced]
– A Multi-function dial now works as a memory channel selector in the Memory mode.
– A Multi-function Menus Customization function is added.
– A function indicator for the Multi-function dial is added.

[Other changes]
– A Front Key Customization function that can change the function of [VOX/BK-IN], [AUTOTUNE], [△], and [▽] is added.
– A MIC Key Customization function that can change the function of [UP] and [DOWN] is added.
– The Band Stacking Register window is added.
– While operating in the Data mode, the receive tone control is deactivated.
– The default setting of the CI-V USB Port is changed to “Unlink from [REMOTE].”

Refer to INFORMATION IC-7300 Version 1.40 for details.


The Scroll mode for the RS-BA1 Version 2 software will be added to Version 2.30.

Note To update the firmware

  • ・Thoroughly read Section 8. USING AN SD CARD and Section 15. UPDATING THE FIRMWARE of the FULL MANUAL and follow the instructions displayed on the IC-7300 LCD screen.
  • ・This update initializes the transceiver’s settings when updating from a firmware earlier than version 1.40. Save your current settings before updating the firmware, and then write it back to keep the previous setting on the updated firmware.
  • ・The firmware will be updated to the following versions.
  •     Main CPU: 1.40
  •     DSP Program: 1.07
  •     DSP Data: 1.00
  •     FPGA: 1.13
File Size 2.73MB
File Type zip



文件名称: 7300_140.zip
文件大小: 2863000 字节
MD5: BC436FDA764B6B06E12FAB2DAB712165
SHA1: 217A370EB67C9133DE3CA6B84F134B53DC61EF70
CRC32: 001DE31B


腾讯微云下载: 链接:链接:https://share.weiyun.com/dcebuRN9 密码:bi4qzw

百度网盘下载 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_wFY0spVZfvx8jmZP3ZBAg 提取码:4qzw


发表在 HAM, Soft Ware | 留下评论

VMware vCenter Server Workaround Instructions for CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 (82374)

The vCenter team has investigated CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 and have determined that the possibility of exploitation can be removed by performing the steps detailed in the ‘workaround’ section of this article. This workaround is meant to be a temporary solution until updates documented in VMSA-2021-0002 can be deployed.

Impacted product versions:

  • 7.0 prior to 7.0 U1c
  • 6.7 prior to 6.7 U3l
  • 6.5 prior to 6.5 U3n

Functionality Impacts:
Functionality impacts are limited to environments that use vRealize Operations. It should be noted that the vulnerable endpoint exists in vCenter Server whether or not vRealize Operations has ever been introduced to the environment.

  • New vRealize Operations customers will not have the provision/option to auto install & configure the vRealize Operations Appliance through the plugin.
  • Customers who have already configured a vCenter Adapter in vRealize Operations with vCenter will not be able to display the metric & alert details (both VC & vSAN overview widgets) in the vCenter H5 client.
Resolution for CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 is documented in VMSA-2021-0002.
To implement the workaround for CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 on Linux-based virtual appliances (vCSA) perform the following steps:

  1. SSH to vCSA.
  2. Take a backup of the file:
  • /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/compatibility-matrix.xml
  1. Content of this file looks like below :
  1. Using a file Editor, Insert the below line in the file.
  . . . .
  . . . .
<PluginPackage id=”com.vmware.vrops.install” status=”incompatible”/>
  1. The file should look like below
  1. Restart the vsphere-ui service. Using command: service-control –restart vsphere-ui
  2. Navigate to the https://<VC-IP-or-FQDN>/ui/vropspluginui/rest/services/checkmobregister. This page displays 404/Not Found error (as shown below).
  1. From the h5-client, the VMWare vROPS Client plugin can be seen as “incompatible” under Administration Solutions  client-plugins as shown below
  1. This confirms that the endpoint /ui/vropspluginui is disabled.
To implement the workaround for CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 on Windows-based vCenter Server deployments perform the following steps:
1.    RDP to the windows based vCenter Server.
2.    Take a backup of the file –
  • C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vsphere-ui\compatibility-matrix.xml
3.     Content of this file looks like below :
4.    Using a file Editor, Insert the below line in the file.
  . . . . 
  . . . . 
<PluginPackage id="com.vmware.vrops.install" status="incompatible"/>
5.    The file should look like below:
6.    Restart the vsphere-ui service. Using command – C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin> service-control –restart vsphere-ui
7.    Navigate to
This page displays 404/Not Found error (as shown below):7.png
8.    From the h5-client, the VMWare vROPS Client plugin can be seen as “incompatible” under Administration Solutions  client-plugins as shown below:8.png
This confirms that the endpoint /ui/vropspluginui is disabled.
To revert the workaround for CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 on Linux-based virtual appliances (vCSA) perform the following steps:
1.    SSH to vCSA.
2.    Using a text editor edit the file –
  • /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/compatibility-matrix.xml
3.    Remove the below line in the file.
  . . . . 
  . . . . 
<PluginPackage id="com.vmware.vrops.install" status="incompatible"/>
4. Restart the vsphere-ui service. Using command – service-control –restart vsphere-ui
5. Validate that the vSphere-ui service is up. VMWare vROPS Client plugin status is deployed/enabled
To revert the workaround for CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 on Windows-based vCenter Server deployments perform the following steps:
1.    RDP to the Windows vCenter Server.
2.    Using a text editor edit the file –
  • C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vsphere-ui\compatibility-matrix.xml
3.    Remove the below line in the file.
  . . . . 
  . . . . 
<PluginPackage id="com.vmware.vrops.install" status="incompatible"/>
4. Restart the vsphere-ui service. Using command – C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin> service-control –restart vsphere-ui
5. Validate that the vSphere-ui service is up. VMWare vROPS Client plugin status is deployed/enabled

For more information on how to start/stop/restart services. Refer to below KBs:

  • https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2109881
  • https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2109887
 Related Information
For up-to-date information on CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 as well as future security information please sign up for VMware Security Advisory announcements at our mailing list portal. RSS feeds are also available on the advisories themselves.


发表在 SYSTEM | 留下评论

IC-7300 wide band modification ICOM-7300扩频

IC-7300 wide band modification.

Remove bottom and find the diode matrix (near big chip)
– Remove D422 to open TX and RX range 0.1-74.8MHz
– Remove D416 to open RX only range 0.030-74.8MHz
– Remove D405 to open TX and RX range 5.255-5.405MHz (60m).


-移除D422 0.1-74.8Mhz 收发

-移除D416 只允许0.030-74.8MHz 接收范围

-移除D405  5.255-5.405MHz (60m)的发射和接收范围


发表在 DIY, Radio | 留下评论

Security Certification Progression Chart 2020

Security Certification Progression Chart 2020



发表在 SYSTEM | 留下评论




发表在 SYSTEM | 留下评论


更新于 2023年1月19日

75.0Mhz 嘉兴学院外语广播
78.0Mhz 苏州科技大学
79.3Mhz 日本
80.7Mhz 日本
81.2Mhz 苏州科技大学
81.7Mhz 校园英语
82.1Mhz 苏州卫生职业技术学院
82.8Mhz 日本
84.5Mhz 苏州科技大学\苏州大学独墅湖校区二期
85.0Mhz 苏州工艺美院
85.6Mhz 苏州大学英语调频 东区
85.7Mhz 南京信息工程大学滨江学院
86.3Mhz 苏州科技学院天枰学院
86.5Mhz 无锡
86.7Mhz 日本
86.9Mhz 苏州大学英语调频 本部 北校区
87.3Mhz 校园英语
87.5Mhz 经济之声
87.6Mhz 中国之声-南通
87.7Mhz 中国之声
87.8Mhz 年代878 CNR都市之声
87.9Mhz 中国国际广播电台(上海) 轻松调频
88.0Mhz 山西交通广播
88.1Mhz 无锡都市生活
88.2Mhz 嘉兴城乡生活频率
88.3Mhz 浙江人民广播电台(舟山)
88.4Mhz 江苏新闻广播
88.5Mhz 南通电台生活(健康)频率
88.6Mhz 常州武进
88.7Mhz 淳安县
88.8Mhz 镇江交通广播
88.9Mhz 昆山广播魅力调频
89.0Mhz 杭州之声
89.1Mhz 吴江人民广播电台
89.3Mhz 广德县\上海
89.4Mhz 中国之声(无锡)
89.5Mhz 安徽音乐广播
89.6Mhz 如东新闻综合广播
89.7Mhz 江苏魅力广播
89.8Mhz 中国之声
89.9Mhz 上海电台东方都市广播
90.0Mhz 常州交通广播
90.1Mhz 马鞍山当涂人民广播
90.2Mhz 中国之声-杭州
90.4Mhz 91.4转
90.5Mhz 镇江经济频率
90.6Mhz 平湖调频广播
90.7Mhz 江阴汽车广播
90.8Mhz 安徽交通广播
90.9Mhz 宜兴交通广播\上海东广新闻台
91.0Mhz 舟山文艺广播
91.1Mhz 苏州电台新闻广播
91.2Mhz 浙江人民广播电台旅游之声(上虞)
91.4Mhz 无锡汽车音乐广播
91.5Mhz 盐城新闻广播
91.7Mhz 浙江之声(金华婺城)
91.8Mhz 杭州交通\南通生活广播
91.9Mhz 常熟人民广播电台琴川音乐广播
92.0Mhz 宁波新闻广播
92.1Mhz 泰州交通广播
92.2Mhz 嘉兴交通经济广播
92.3Mhz 溧水区广播
92.4Mhz 江苏健康广播
92.5Mhz 浙江之声-绍兴
92.6Mhz 无锡梁溪之声
92.7Mhz 太仓故事音乐广播
92.8Mhz 马鞍山交通音乐广播
92.9Mhz 南通交通广播
93.0Mhz 浙江电台交通之声
93.1Mhz 西安音乐广播
93.2Mhz 临沂财富广播
93.4Mhz 上海人民广播电台
93.5Mhz 常州音乐广播
93.6Mhz 绍兴之声
93.7Mhz 无锡新闻广播
93.8Mhz 江苏健康广播
93.9Mhz 宁波交通广播
94.0Mhz 上海五星体育
94.1Mhz 浙江交通广播
94.2Mhz 江苏健康广播(常州)
94.4Mhz 江苏健康广播
94.5Mhz 江苏人民广播电台新闻广播(阜宁县)
94.7Mhz 上海经典947
94.9Mhz 扬州广播
95.0Mhz 浙江财富广播
95.1Mhz 怀远之声
95.2Mhz 江苏电台财经广播
95.3Mhz 无锡江苏人民广播电台
95.4Mhz 马鞍山音乐广播
95.5Mhz 中国交通广播(上海) \安徽农村广播
95.6Mhz 浙江之声(安吉县)
95.7Mhz 苏州亲子频道\青岛西海岸交通广播
95.8Mhz 中国之声(南京浦口区)
95.9Mhz 张家港人民广播电台
96.0Mhz 海宁大潮之声
96.1Mhz 宜兴交通广播
96.2Mhz 宝山人民广播
96.3Mhz 镇江音乐广播
96.5Mhz 苏州生活广播
96.6Mhz 南京活力调频
96.7Mhz 太仓新闻交通广播
96.8Mhz 浙江音乐调频
96.9Mhz 吴江电台新闻综合广播
97.0Mhz 南通新闻广播
97.1Mhz 安徽经济广播
97.2Mhz 上海戏剧曲艺广播
97.3Mhz 长兴人民广播电台太湖之声
97.4Mhz 上海经典974
97.5Mhz 江苏经典流行音乐台
97.7Mhz 上海第一财经
97.9Mhz 中央经济之声(浙江)
98.0Mhz 盐城音乐广播
98.1Mhz 上海 KFM981
98.2Mhz 诸暨人民广播电台
98.3Mhz 如皋汽车广播
98.4Mhz 浙江之声
98.5Mhz 湖州交通文艺广播
98.6Mhz 宁波音乐广播私家车
98.7Mhz 中央人民广播电台经济之声(无锡)
98.8Mhz 浙江新闻广播
98.9Mhz 中央人民广播电台音乐之声(南京)
99.0Mhz 中国之声(上海)
99.1Mhz 山东文艺广播(大泽山转发站)
99.2Mhz 安徽-池州
99.3Mhz 嘉善人民广播
99.4Mhz 江苏人民广播电台健康广播(南通)
99.5Mhz 安徽动听995
99.6Mhz 浙江民生资讯广播(杭州)
99.7Mhz 997金陵之声(南京)
99.8Mhz 舟山新闻综合
99.9Mhz 通州区广播电视台广播节目(通州市)
100.0Mhz 中国之声(苏州)
100.1Mhz 上海沸点100
100.3Mhz 嘉定人民广播电台
100.4Mhz 张家港人民广播电台
100.5Mhz 江苏建康广播
100.6Mhz 海门市广播电视台广播节目
100.7Mhz 浙江台城市之声(金华市)
100.8Mhz 常熟交通广播
100.9Mhz 上海松江广播
101.1Mhz 江苏交通广播
101.4Mhz 金华音乐广播
101.6Mhz 浙江之声(杭州)
101.7Mhz 上海动感
102.0Mhz 张家港交通广播
102.1Mhz 余杭丽人广播
102.2Mhz 中央人民广播电台中国之声(常州)
102.3Mhz 昆山交通广播欢乐调频
102.4Mhz 镇江交通广播
102.5Mhz 上海崇明广播电视台
102.8Mhz 苏州都市音乐广播
102.9Mhz 宁波经济广播
103.0Mhz 中央人民广播电台经济之声(南通)
103.2Mhz 中央人民广播(音乐之声)杭州
103.3Mhz 徐州交通广播
103.4Mhz 常州新闻广播
103.5Mhz 湖州交通广播
103.7Mhz 上海Love Radio
103.9Mhz 中国之声(南通海安县)
104.0Mhz 无锡经济广播
104.1Mhz 嘉兴新闻广播
104.2Mhz 淮安广播电视台农村广播(清河区)
104.3Mhz 浙江人民广播电台旅游之声(湖州)
104.4Mhz 金华新闻广播
104.5Mhz 浙江人民广播电台旅游之声(杭州)
104.7Mhz 宁波私家车音乐广播
104.8Mhz 苏州交通广播
104.9Mhz 江苏故事广播(南京)
105.0Mhz 湖州之声
105.1Mhz 上海金山人民广播
105.2Mhz 常州城市调频
105.3Mhz 盐城经济生活频率
105.4Mhz 杭州湖西之声
105.5Mhz 安徽城市之声
105.6Mhz 未知
105.7Mhz 上海交通广播
105.8Mhz 南京音乐广播
106.0Mhz 绍兴经典汽车广播
106.1Mhz 南通经济广播
106.2Mhz 义乌新闻广播
106.3Mhz 浙江人民广播电台旅游之声(长兴)
106.4Mhz 慈溪经典车电台
106.5Mhz 浙江德清之声
106.6Mhz 长兴新闻交通广播
106.7Mhz 上海青浦电台
106.8Mhz 绍兴经典汽车广播
106.9Mhz 无锡交通广播
107.0Mhz 浙江城市之声
107.1Mhz 江苏人民广播电台新闻广播(扬州)
107.2Mhz 上海故事广播
107.3Mhz 象山人民广播电台
107.4Mhz 浙江之声
107.5Mhz CNR经济之声
107.6Mhz 中国之声(金华婺城区北山发射台)
107.7Mhz 上海音乐之声
107.9Mhz 萧山人民广播


发表在 HAM, Radio | 留下评论

TensorFlow 2.0 CPU与GPU对比

TensorFlow 2.0 在WIN10上 CPU与GPU对比


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Microsoft Edge Insider Channels

Microsoft Edge Insider Channels




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